About Us
Read below to know more about us.
We are an online store for Hunt County, Texas local small businesses
Welcome to Hunt County Market, your online destination for local small businesses that want to have an online presence. Any local small business can create a free shop on huntcountymarket.com.
Hosting a variety of small shops to help you shop local
You can find a variety of shops on Hunt County Market. All types of small businesses can create a shop. From farmers market vendors, home based businesses, startups and established small businesses.
Created for our Hunt County and Greenville Texas community
Hunt County Market is a service website provided by 4JF Advertising to all local small businesses the ability to sale products online. We charge a small .2% fee to our vendors on every sale to cover the cost of website hosting and advertising. We charge the vendor for the payment processing fees at cost. Any small local business can set up a shop in minutes and start loading products for sale.
Our passion is the local small business community
Our passion and mission is to help local small businesses compete with the larger businesses. We believe having a small business can be an economic game changer for families and strengthens our community.
Not just and online market, but a group of tools to help small business
Hunt County Market is a tool for these businesses to use to expand reach into the local market. 4JF Advertising provides advertising and marketing solutions for these businesses to help level the playing field. 4JF Advertising also provides greenvillewatch.com as a local news aggregator and information website where local small businesses can advertise for free. We also provide a local polling website, where local small businesses can advertise on in polls, on the website or have a poll conducted to ask the community questions related to the favorability of the business.